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上海起發實驗試劑有限公司 Biocatalysts 專業代理,具體產品信息歡迎電詢:4006551678

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-08-29
  • 訪  問  量:3258


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世界*實驗材料供應商 Biocatalysts  正式授權上海起發為其中國代理, Biocatalysts  在一直是行業的*,一直為廣大科研客戶提供zui為優質的產品和服務,上海起發一直秉承為中國科研客戶帶來的產品,的服務, 簽約 Biocatalysts  就是為了給廣大科研客戶帶來更加完善的產品和服務,您的滿意將是我們zui大的收獲

 Biocatalysts 中國代理, Biocatalysts 上海代理, Biocatalysts 北京代理,Biocatalysts 廣東代理, Biocatalysts  江蘇代理Biocatalysts  湖北代理,Biocatalysts  天津,Biocatalysts  黑龍江代理,Biocatalysts  內蒙古代理,Biocatalysts  吉林代理,Biocatalysts 福建代理, Biocatalysts 江蘇代理, Biocatalysts  浙江代理, Biocatalysts  四川代理,



We could define ourselves in so many ways; speciality enzyme manufacturer, toll manufacturer, consultancy company. But essentially Biocatalysts depends on one asset - its people.

With the right technical skills we could achieve a lot, but with Biocatalysts people we achieve great things. The passion for customers and for getting it right consumes us. There is a distinct “Biocats” person; we recognise them and when they work with us, they fly.

Over the 25 years we have been in existence, the company has changed beyond recognition. Small cramped buildings have been replaced by state of the art facilities with room to grow. We led the way in the 1980s by making enzymes that customers wanted rather than a standard product range and we have been pushing boundaries ever since.

We offer both a standard range of enzymes and custom-tailored. We undertake a large amount of contract manufacturing work on behalf of our customers, ranging from blue chip to small independent companies.

Many companies talk about customer service, we measure ours, every year via a third party for total independence of results. Then we publish the results and say what we are going to do to improve and then, quite simply we do it. No fuss, no dramatics, all we want to do is to take our customers' enzyme expectations... and exceed them.

Biocatalysts - exceeding enzyme expectations.


Amylase 11P 10,000SKB (60K BCU)200gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/10 
Amylase 11P 100,000SKB (600K BCU)100gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/100 
Amylase 11P 120,000 SKB100gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/120 
Amylase 11P 30,000SKB (180K BCU)200gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/30 
Amylase 11P 4,500 SKB (27,000 U/g)200gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/4.5 
Amylase 11P 40,000SKB (240K BCU)100gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/40 
Amylase 11P 5,000SKB (30K BCU)200gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/5 
Amylase 11P 50,000SKB (300K BCU)100gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/50 
Amylase 11P 60,000SKB (360K BCU)100gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/60 
Amylase 11P 85,000SKB50gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/85 
Amylase 11P 90,000 SKB (540000 U/g)200gBaked GoodsBreadA011P/90 
Combizyme™ 366P200gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsC366P 
Combizyme™ 666P 100gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsC666P 
Depol™ 150L200gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsD150L 
Depol™ 222P200gBaked GoodsBreadD222P 
Depol™ 243P50gBaked GoodsBreadD243P 
Depol™ 371P200gBaked GoodsBreadD371P 
Depol™ 453P100gBaked GoodsBreadD453P 
Depol™ 624P200gBaked GoodsBreadD624P 
Depol™ 680P200gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsD680P 
Glucose Oxidase 631P100gBaked GoodsBreadG631P 
Glucose Oxidase 659P200gBaked GoodsBreadG659P 
Lipomod™ 627P Baked GoodsBreadL627P 
Promod™ 223P200gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsP223P 
Promod™ 388P200gBaked GoodsBreadP388P 
Promod™ 451P100gBaked GoodsBreadP451P 
Promod™ 557P200gBaked GoodsSpeciality baked goodsP557P 
Depol™ 761P50gBaked GoodsBreadD761P 
Depol™ 333P100gBaked GoodsBreadD333P 
Depol™ 333MDP100gBaked GoodsBreadD333MDP 
Combizyme™ 275P Baked GoodsBreadC275P 
Combizyme™ 275MDP100gBaked GoodsBreadC275MDP 
Depol™ 454P100gBaked GoodsBreadD454P


Glucose Oxidase 789L100gEggEgg WhiteG789L 
Lipomod™ 699L10gEggEgg YolkL699L 
Promod™ 194SP10gEggEgg WhiteP194SP 
Lipomod™ 34P10gEggEgg WhiteL034P 
Catalase 641L100gEggWhole EggC641L 
Flavorpro™ 786P200gEggEgg WhiteF786P 
Flavorpro™ 786MDP10gEggEgg WhiteF786MDP


Flavorpro™ 192P10gDairyEMCF192P 
Flavorpro™ 750MDP50gDairyWheyF750MDP 
Flavorpro™ 750P50gDairyWheyF750P 
Lipomod™ 29P10gDairyEMCL029P 
Lipomod™ 224P50gDairyEMCL224P 
Lipomod™ 299P50gDairyEMCL299P 
Lipomod™ 338P10gDairyEMCL338P 
Lipomod™ 691P10gDairyEMCL691P 
Promod™ 215P100gDairyEMCP215P 
Promod™ 439L200gDairyWheyP439L 
Lipomod™ 34P10gDairyEMCL034P 
Lipomod™ 166P10gDairyEMCL166P 
Lipomod™ 187P10gDairyEMCL187P 
Lipomod™ 768MDP 10gDairyEMCL768MDP 
Lipomod™ 166MDP10gDairyEMCL166MDP 
Lipomod™ 187MDP10gDairyEMCL187MDP 
Lipomod™ 621MDP10gDairyEMCL621MDP 
Lipomod™ 768P 10gDairyEMCL768P 
Lipomod™ 34MDP10gDairyEMCL034MDP 
Promod™ 775P100gDairyCheese functionalityP775P 
Promod™ 215MDP100gDairyEMCP215MDP 
Lipomod ™ 801MDP50gDairyEMCL801MDP 
Lipomod™ 621P10gDairyEMCL621P 
Flavorpro™ C10gDairyEMCF736MDP 
Flavorpro™ K10gDairyEMCF819MDP 
Flavorpro™ L10gDairyEMCF823MDP 
Promod™ 903MDP 10gDairyEMCP903MDP 
Promod™ 845MDP 10gDairyEMCP845MDP 
Flavorpro™ Umami10gDairyEMCF852MDP 
Lipomod™ 957MDP10gDairyEMCL957MDP 
Lipomod™ 338MDP10gDairyEMCL338MDP 
Lipomod™ 691MDP10gDairyEMCL691MDP 
Flavorpro™ 192MDP10gDairyEMCF192MDP


Depol™ 20L50gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinD020L 
Promod™ 144P 100TU200gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP144P/100 
Promod™ 144P 200TU200gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP144P/200 
Promod™ 144P 250TU200gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP144P/250 
Promod™ 144P 300TU100gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP144P/300 
Promod™ 192P10gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP192P 
Promod™ 298L100gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP298L 
Promod™ 671L100gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryP671L 
Promod™ 280P200gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP280P 
Promod™ 280MDP200gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP280MDP 
Promod™ 279P10gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP279P 
Promod™ 279MDP10gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP279MDP 
Promod™ 194P10gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryP194P 
Flavorpro™ 795MDP50gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryF795MDP 
Flavorpro™ 373MDP10gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryF373MDP 
Flavorpro™ 373P10gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryF373P 
Promod™ 278MDP10gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP278MDP 
Promod™ 278P10gNon Dairy FlavoursEnzyme hydrolysed vegetable proteinP278P 
Promod™ 194MDP10gNon Dairy FlavoursSavouryP194MDP


Depol™ 220L200gBeveragesApple and ciderD220L 
Depol™ 686L200gBeveragesBrewed drinksD686L 
Depol™ 793L200gBeveragesFruit juicesD793L 
Flavorpro™ 750MDP50gBeveragesSports/FunctionalF750MDP 
Flavorpro™ 750P50gBeveragesSports/FunctionalF750P 
Glucanase 1XL200gBeveragesBrewed drinksG011L 
Glucanase 5XL200gBeveragesBrewed drinksG015L 
Glucose Oxidase 789L100gBeveragesFruit juicesG789L 
Macer8™ FJ200gBeveragesApple and ciderM263L 
Macer8™ W100gBeveragesWineM264L 
Muramylodextrinase 719L200gBeveragesBrewed drinksM719L 
Pectinase 62L100gBeveragesFruit juicesP062L 
Pectinase 162L100gBeveragesFruit juicesP162L 
BC Pepsin 1:300010gBeveragesSports/FunctionalP389P 
BC Pepsin 1000010gBeveragesSports/FunctionalP389P/10 
Pectinase 444L200gBeveragesFruit juicesP444L 
Pectinase 656L100gBeveragesFruit juicesP656L 
Pectinase 714L100gBeveragesFruit juicesP714L 
Trypsin 25010gBeveragesSports/FunctionalT069P 
Tannase 759P5gBeveragesBrewed drinksT759P 
Cellulase 13L100gBeveragesApple and ciderC013L 
Pectinase 62L100gBeveragesFruit juicesP062L 
Muramylodextrinase 719L200gBeveragesBrewed drinksM719L 


Depol™ 40L200gBotanical extractionBotanical extractionD040L 
Depol™ 670L100gBotanical extractionBotanical extractionD670L 
Depol™ 692L100gBotanical extractionBotanical extractionD692L 
Depol™ 740L100gBotanical extractionBotanical extractionD740L 
Depol™ 761P50gBotanical extractionBotanical extractionD761P


Depol™ 667P100gProtein (Non Dairy)YeastD667P 
BC Pepsin 1:16,000 10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP389P/16 
Promod™ 648L100gProtein (Non Dairy)ChondroitinP648L 
Promod™ 863MDP50gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP863MDP 
Promod™ 144P 100TU200gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144P/100 
Promod™ 144P 200TU200gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144P/200 
Promod™ 144P 250TU200gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144P/250 
Promod™ 144P 300TU100gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144P/300 
Promod™ 144GL 100TU100gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144GL/100 
Promod™ 144GL 66TU100gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP144GL/66 
Promod™ 144P200gProtein (Non Dairy)MarinadesP144P/100 
Flavorpro™ 766MDP50gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsF766MDP 
Promod™ 279P10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP279P 
Promod™ 279MDP10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP279MDP 
Promod™ 184P10gProtein (Non Dairy)MarinadesP184P 
Promod™ 24L 200gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP024L 
Promod™ 24P200gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP024P 
Promod™ 25P10gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP025P 
Promod™ 25MDP10gProtein (Non Dairy)Culture Media/Supplements/PeptonesP25MDP 
Flavorpro™ 373MDP10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsF373MDP 
Flavorpro™ 373P10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsF373P 
Promod™ 144SP200gProtein (Non Dairy)MarinadesP144SP/100 
Promod™ 278MDP10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP278MDP 
Promod™ 278P10gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsP278P 
Promod™ 184MDP10gProtein (Non Dairy)MarinadesP184MDP 
Flavorpro™ 839MDP50gProtein (Non Dairy)Food ingredientsF839MDP 



Pancreatin 1XNF20gDigestive aidsOtherP211P/1 
Pancreatin 4XNF10gDigestive aidsOtherP211P/4 
Promod™ 144P200gDigestive aidsOtherP144P/100 
Cellulase 13MDP50gDigestive aidsOtherC013MDP 
Sucrase 500P10gDigestive aidsOtherS500P 
Promod™ D24P10gDigestive aidsOtherPD24P 
Promod™ D24MDP10gDigestive aidsOtherPD24MDP 
Promod™ 523P10gDigestive aidsOtherP523P 
Promod™ 523MDP10gDigestive aidsOtherP523MDP 
Lipomod™ 36P10gDigestive aidsOtherL036P 
Lipomod™ 36MDP10gDigestive aidsOtherL036MDP 
Lactase L017P10gDigestive aidsOtherL017P 
Lactase 17MDP10gDigestive aidsOtherL017MDP 
Amylase AD11P100gDigestive aidsOtherAD11P 
Amylase AD11MDP100gDigestive aidsOtherAD11MDP 
Sucrase 500MDP10gDigestive aidsOtherS500MDP


Cellulase 13P50gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesC013P 
Depol™ 40L200gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesD040L 
Depol™ 220L200gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownHaze-particulate problemsD220L 
Depol™ 670L100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesD670L 
Depol™ 686L200gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownHaze-particulate problemsD686L 
Depol™ 692L100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesD692L 
Macer8™ FJ200gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesM263L 
Promod™ 144GL 100TU100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownHaze-particulate problemsP144GL/100 
Promod™ 144GL 66TU100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownHaze-particulate problemsP144GL/66 
Pectinase 162L100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownPeelingP162L 
Cellulase 13L100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesC013L 
Cellulase 13MDP50gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownVegetable JuicesC013MDP 
Pectinase 656L100gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownPeelingP656L 
Depol™ 761P50gPlant Cell Wall BreakdownSoluble fibre releaseD761P







5:良好的信譽,大部分客戶我們提供貨到付款服務,客戶包括清華,北大 交大 復旦,中山等100多所大學,ROCHE,阿斯利康,國藥 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我們還是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, Biocatalysts    ,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等幾十家國外公司授權代理。
7:我們還是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批發,歡迎合作。





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