Biosensis成立于2006年,由生命科學家和商界人士組成,致力于為q球學術界和工業界的研究人員提供支持。管理團隊在基礎和應用生命科學研究方面擁有超過 100 年的經驗,在生命科學研究和診斷市場的生命科學抗體、試劑和試劑盒的商業化方面擁有 70 多年的經驗。因此,我們深知研究人員需要有高質量的試劑。憑借400+同行評審的研究出版物以及精z的技術支持和經驗,Biosensis能夠為神經科學及其相關研究領域提供業內無與l比的客戶支持和科學專業知識。
Biosensis專注于神經科學的ELISA試劑盒、抗體、蛋白質和染色試劑,特別關注神經營養因子和神經營養因子受體,近30年來,Biosensis一直是q球領d者和OEM供應商。我們的神經科學產品組合包括用于神經退行性疾病、神經發育和神經代謝研究的產品。重點領域包括阿爾茨海默氏癥、帕金森氏癥和肌萎s側索硬化癥,以及自噬、代謝和應激障礙,包括代謝綜合征研究、肥胖癥、神經免疫學和炎癥。我們獨t產品系列的亮點包括:BDNF 和 NGF 亞型特異性快速™ ELISA 試劑盒、NGFR/p75幼兒發展生物標志物快速™ ELISA試劑盒、寡聚淀粉樣蛋白-β-ELISA試劑盒、淀粉樣蛋白斑塊染色試劑、氟玉B和C示蹤試劑。
貨號 | 品名 | 規格 | 價格 | 品牌 | 貨期 | 價格來源 |
TR-100-FJT | Fluoro-Jade C (FJC) Ready-to-Dilute Staining Kit for identifying Degenerating Neurons-20 mL | 20mL | 5526 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-100-FJ | Fluoro-Jade C (FJC) Ready-to-Dilute Staining Kit for identifying Degenerating Neurons-40 mL | 40mL | 8946 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-150-FJB | Fluoro-Jade B (FJB) Powder for identifying Degenerating Neurons-30 mg | 30mg | 7792 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-100-BG | Black-Gold II Myelin Ready-to-Dilute Staining Kit with Toluidine Blue O Counter Stain for identifying Normal & Pathogenic Myelin-10 mL | 10mL | 12186 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2211-1P | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, mature (BDNF, mature), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2215-1P | Oligomeric Amyloid-beta, Human, Rat, ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-300-AG | Amylo-Glo RTD Amyloid Plaque Stain Reagent-5 mL | 5mL | 5706 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2233-2P | LR3IGF-I, Human, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 Plate Kit | 2PlateKit | 10738 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2244-1P | A2 Beta casein (A2), Bovine, ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 6992 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2233-1P | LR3IGF-I, Human, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2211-1P-CE | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, mature (BDNF, mature), Human, CE-Marked ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 6398 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-1818-100 | NGFR/p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), Mouse Monoclonal Antibody-100 µg | 100ug | 4578 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-1750-1000 | Amyloid beta, 1-42, oligomeric, Stabilized Peptide-2 x 500 ng | 2x500ng | 1498 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-1831-20 | Casein, bovine beta A1, Purified Protein-20 µg | 20ug | 5166 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2243-1P | A1 Beta casein (A1), Bovine, ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 6352 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2217-2P | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, pro- (proBDNF), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 Plate Kit | 2PlateKit | 10738 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2217-1P | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, pro- (proBDNF), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
R-140-100 | Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 gamma (MAP1LC3C), Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody-100 µL | 100uL | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
R-1388-50 | Neurofilament heavy polypeptide, phosphorylated, (pNF-H), Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody- 50 µL | 50uL | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
S-033-500 | Cellular oncogene fos (c-Fos), Sheep Polyclonal Antibody-500 µg | 500ug | 4578 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-1832-20 | Casein, bovine beta A2, Purified Protein-20 µg | 20ug | 5166 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-160-FJC | Fluoro-Jade C (FJC) Powder for identifying Degenerating Neurons-30 mg | 30mg | 9072 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-1749-50 | Amyloid beta, 1-42, HFIP-treated Purified Peptide-50 μg | 50ug | 1498 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-019-500 | Nerve growth factor (2.5S), Mouse, Purified Native Protein-500 µg | 500ug | 9898 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-019-25 | Nerve growth factor (2.5S), Mouse, Purified Native Protein-25 µg | 25ug | 1778 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-2128-100 | Neurofilament light polypeptide (NF-L), Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (1B11)-100 µg | 100ug | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-2123-100 | Neurofilament light polypeptide (NF-L), DG-Sensor™, Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (1D44)-100 µg | 100ug | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-2122-50 | Neurofilament light polypeptide (NF-L), DG-Sensor™, Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (6H63)-50 µg | 50ug | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
TR-400-AG | Amylo-Glo RTD Amyloid Plaque Stain Reagent with EtBr counter stain-5 mL | 5mL | 6606 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-1752-100 | Cellular oncogene fos (c-Fos), Mouse Monoclonal Antibody-100 µg | 100ug | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2244-5P | A2 Beta casein (A2), Bovine, ELISA assay-5 Plate Kit | 5PlateKit | 29872 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2213-1P | Nerve growth factor (Beta-NGF), Mouse, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2215-2P | Oligomeric Amyloid-beta, Human, Rat, ELISA assay-2 Plate Kit | 2PlateKit | 11158 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2228-SET | Mature NGF/proNGF Combo (BEK-2214/2236), Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 x 1 Plate Set | 2x1PlateSet | 9058 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2232-SET | Multi-Neurotrophin Screening, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-4 x 6 Strips Set | 4x6StripsSet | 8358 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2237-1P | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, pro- (proBDNF), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2239-1P | Nerve growth factor receptor, extracellular domain (NGFR/p75ECD), Human, Rapid™ ELISA assay-1 Plate Kit | 1PlateKit | 5579 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2239-2P | Nerve growth factor receptor, extracellular domain (NGFR/p75ECD), Human, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 Plate Kit | 2PlateKit | 10738 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2240-SET | Mature BDNF/proBDNF Combo (BEK-2211/2217), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 x 1 Plate Set | 2x1PlateSet | 9058 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2241-SET | Mature BDNF/proBDNF Combo (BEK-2211/2237), Human, Mouse, Rat, Rapid™ ELISA assay-2 x 1 Plate Set | 2x1PlateSet | 9058 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2244-10P | A2 Beta casein (A2), Bovine, ELISA assay-10 Plate Kit | 10PlateKit | 56912 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BEK-2244-2P | A2 Beta casein (A2), Bovine, ELISA assay-2 Plate Kit | 2PlateKit | 13392 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
M-1586-100 | Amyloid beta peptide (A-beta 40/42), Mouse Monoclonal Antibody-100 µg | 100ug | 4578 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
BL-004-500 | Heterophilic antibody blocker for BEK-2217, BEK-2221, BEK-2237 & BEK-2240 and similar ELISA assays-500 µg | 500ug | 518 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
C-1373-50 | Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Chicken Polyclonal Antibody-50 µL | 50uL | 4438 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
C-1780-100 | Casein, A2 beta, Chicken Polyclonal Antibody-100 µL | 100uL | 6966 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
C-1781-100 | Casein, A1 beta, Chicken Polyclonal Antibody-100 µL | 100uL | 6966 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
PE-019-100 | Nerve growth factor (2.5S), Mouse, Purified Native Protein-100 µg | 100ug | 4298 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
B-100-PS | Phospho-Sure RTD Neuronal Cell & Soft tissue extraction buffer-100 mL | 100mL | 1218 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
B-200-PS | Phospho-Sure RTD Neuronal Cell & Soft tissue extraction buffer-200 mL | 200mL | 1680 | Biosensis | 4-6周 | 上海起發 |
關鍵詞:Biosensis、NGFR/p75幼兒發展生物標志物快速™ ELISA試劑盒、寡聚淀粉樣蛋白-β-ELISA試劑盒、淀粉樣蛋白斑塊染色試劑、氟玉B和C示蹤試劑